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OpenAI's ChatGPT changing the world as we know it

ChatGPT from OpenAI, the powerful new artificial intelligence chatbot, is the talk of the town. If you want to know what's behind it, here are the basics.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI tool that allows users to create unique texts. This includes answering questions, creative prompts, and creating interesting content like poems, songs, and short stories.

When did ChatGPT come out and where did it come from?

OpenAI developed ChatGPT and released it in November last year. OpenAI was founded by Elon Musk and funded in part by controversial right-wing billionaire Peter Thiel, and is led by CEO Sam Altman.

How to use ChatGPT

To get set up with OpenAI, all you need is an email address and a phone number, then you can use the chatbot. Ask it questions or give it commands - like "write me a Raymond Chandler story about the McDonald's Hamburglar" - and get creative!

How does ChatGPT work?

The program uses a large language model algorithm that is fed with huge amounts of text data so that it can respond in a realistic way using natural language processing.

Who is ChatGPT suitable for?

Anyone can use it as long as they create an OpenAI account.

Are ChatGPT's responses always correct?

No, not always! The platform is known for making things up. So if you want to rely on ChatGPT's answers for important questions, you should double-check them beforehand.

Does ChatGPT cost money?

Initially, no - but users can pay a subscription fee (known as 'ChatGTS Plus'), which gives them priority access to features and improvements, as well as allowing them to use the chatbot at peak times when it might otherwise break down due to its popularity. However, free users do not need to bother with a subscription unless they have big plans for this chatbot!

What is "Generative AI?"

Generative AI is the area of industry and technology that deals with artificial intelligence; ChatGPT is an important part of it. Other applications include art creation, video production element reproduction, human actor/voice simulation, and other knowledge economy/creative industry related tasks.

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